Wednesday 11 May 2016

stiga calibra tour h - update

the speed went down like hell.
I had to really hit forward for the ball to pass the net with a simple flat stroke from middle distance.
when looping it still keeps good speed, but in flat strokes it went down.

it's not that bad in this department.
it's not tenergy 05 but you still get decent spin.

so basically the biggest difference I noticed was a decrease in rebound speed.
also played a defensive player and noticed it's not very predictable when trying to loop really hard.
I mean the trajectory of the rubber is not very predictable when doing a forward loop without much spin.
it was pretty good for pushing, almost all pushes go in.

later in matches I noticed this problem of looping being not reliable when you really want to give the ball power, specially against defensive players.
against offensive players the old problem of speed was most noticeable.
sometimes I would block and the ball would not pass the net.
Sometimes I was afraid there would not be enough speed and I hit forward and the ball just goes too long.
So it's always a doubt with that.

As for looping, sometimes the ball would not land on the other side because it was not carrying enough curve, but not most times.

Overall, it feels like a typical tensor now.
I think the new tensors like mx-p and rasant powergrip are superior because they have more spin.
mx-p in particular seems to keep the speed a little longer, while rasant power grip is more or less the same in terms of speed.

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